Tuesday 12 July 2016

Developing our workshop ideas

When we visited the school for the second time, and met class 10 for the first time, we instantly realised that they loved music, and moving to music. They had different types of music for the different activities they were doing, and this made us decide straight away that we want to include some sort of music within our workshop. This gave us the idea of the children dancing with paint on their feet to music, this also is a way we can challenge the perception of peoples views on what drawing actually is as dancing with their feet could be a way of drawing to music just using a different part of the body.

We had also realised from watching the lessons and observing likes and dislikes, we thought that some of the pupils might not want to have paint on their feet which then we came up with the idea of textured shoes so that the paint goes on the shoes not their feet. It will also allow them to see that the textured shoes will make a different imprint to what their feet would make.

We were also told that the students have a short attention spans which means that we had to think about having a second activity as we need to make sure that they don't get distracted and keep focused by changing it up for them. It also would allow us to split the class in two so that they are in smaller groups and would be easier to control.

We then thought about creating some drawings of different animals which the children could colour in using crayons and we could make a small set which they would be able to make into posters.

After having the meeting with Carmen we realised we needed to adapt it a little bit more so we can add collage to help the students who would find it hard to focus on drawing with crayons. Also doing collage, it would allow the children to be more sensory with their work and have that kind of experience involved.

We have also come up with a back up plan incase they can't focus with drawing, that they cover the animal templates with glue and then glitter and see what it produced.

Materials needed:
  • Non-toxic paint (2x bottles of each colour) red,blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink
  • Trays for paint – so students can stand in (x7)
  • Rolls of paper (roller per student)
  • Textured shoes so they can create different textures and patterns and for students who don’t like getting paint on their feet (5 sets)
  • Non-toxic crayons (enough for class)
  • Glitter
  • Non-toxic PVA glue
  • Variety of different furs
  • Coloured paper
  • Sequins
  • Students will need to bring a spare pair of clothes as they will get messy

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