Tuesday 12 July 2016

Presenting our ideas to Red Gate School

On Friday 8Th June, we went to Red Gates School and had another meeting with Carmen (the art co-ordinator) and discussed our ideas to make sure that they were accessible and the we would be able to do them. We all created a handout which would briefly explain our ideas which Carmen could take after with her as well as us being there to explain everything and all the information which we wanted to communicate to her.

Carmen seemed very interested and enthusiastic about mine and Florrie's ideas (and also everyone elses) and she helped by contributing what she thinks would work best with our workshops.


There were a few points which Carmen had told us which we needed to take into consideration with our workshop, which meant we may have to adapt our workshops slightly, theses were:

  • One of the students in our class has broken her leg which has meant that she wouldn't be able to dance around with paint on her feet while listening to music.
  • Two of the students which are in outclass have a lower attention span which means that with the drawing activity/workshop, they might find it hard to focus and might only keep them occupied for a small amount of time. 
  • What colours of paint do we want?
  • How much material would we need?
  • Lastly we had an idea for the students to choose their favourite animal to fill in, however they don't understand the concept of having favourites which means that we will just have to create some different animal drawings, so that they can choose when they are there form pictures.

Response to feedback 

We (me and Florrie) came up with some solutions which would solve the slight problems we have with our workshop ideas:
  • For the student which has broken her foot, we came up with an alternative way she cn still be involved in that activity by her using her hands with the paint to dance on the paper with.
  • To help the students with low attention span, we have included college and glitter/glue to their choices on filling in the animals they have chosen.
  • We would like a variety of colours - red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, pink and pink.
  • A variety of coloured crayons
  • 5 sets of textured shoes
  • Glitter, non-toxic PVA glue, fur/felt, coloured paper and sequins
  • we also thought to ask the students to bring a spare pair of clothing to school on friday as they could get fairly messy dancing with paint.

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